<< DVD9 Bang your head 2006
Bang your head 2006
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://heavymetal.about.com/od/dvdreviews/fr/bangyourheaddvd.htm
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The Bang Your Head Festival takes place every summer in Germany. The 2006 festival was the 11th edition, and the two day event was in Balingen.
Bang Your Head Festival 2006 is a double DVD set with over three hours of music and nearly two hours of extras. Disc 1 covers the first day of the festival and includes performances by Hellfueled, Communic, Leatherwolf, Flotsam and Jetsam, Vengeance, Raven, Jon Oliva's Pain, Death Angel, Helloween, Foreigner and In Flames.

The second DVD is also the second day of the festival. It includes songs by Powerwolf, Anvil, Victory, Count Raven, Unleashed, Armored Saint, Y&T, Rik Emmett and Stratovarius. Powerwolf's cape looks a little bizarre in the bright light of day, although Attila Dorn sells it pretty well. Anvil's Steve "Lips" Kudlow solicits the females in the crowd to expose a certain body part, but we don't see if any of them obliged.

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het zijn 2dvd 9

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