<< MP3 Debbie Fortnum - The Healing Piano
Debbie Fortnum - The Healing Piano
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 84.93 MB
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Category Gospel, New Age.

Update September 16, 2008 -- THE HEALING PIANO just received the Canadian GMA Award Nomination for INSTRUMENTAL ALBUM OF THE YEAR and Debbie herself has recieved the Canadian GMA Award Nomination for FEMALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR. (Check out the two bonus vocal tracks at the end of The Healing Piano!)
Welcome to the third CD in Debbie\'s Instrumental Piano Trilogy. Rich, yet uncluttered. Healing, soothing, and worshipful music that relaxes you while you work, allowing you to process your own thoughts and emotions. This is \'soaking music\' at its finest! Just have a listen to the free 2-minute sound clips and you\'ll see why it is Debbie\'s fastest selling CD yet...
Massage Therapist July Montgomery from Washington says, \"I have used Debbie\'s Healing Piano CD in my Massage Therapy practice with incredible results! Many people have been ministered to emotionally, spiritually and physically ! Highly recommended!\" Julie Montgomery L.M.P.

If you enjoy soothing piano music -- and the sound of Debbie\'s voice -- be sure to listen to the two bonus vocal tracks at the end of the CD, \"Send Your Angels\" and \"Shepherd\" (from King David\'s 3,000 BC ancient text, Psalm 23!) These two tracks also feature the voice of her talented, Award-winning Canadian Artist & Producer, Chris Janz!
This music is perfect for home, spa, work, or any place you need to relax!
\"We live in a busy, noisy culture! It has been my desire for sometime to produce a series of piano-only CDs that help eliminate some of the distractions and allow people the unique opportunity to process their own emotions -- worship, relax, love, search, soak, celebrate, grieve, live and b-r-e-a-t-h-e!...
...Instrumental music (especially piano music!) has a profound affect on our ability to calm ourselves and re-focus on what is truly important in life. For me personally, God and family hold the highest spots on that priority list!\" ~Debbie Fortnum
Please do feel free to help us get the word out to Instrumental / Ambient and New Age Radio Stations in your Country, State or Province!
Debbie\'s music is designed to facilitate the worship of God and healing in people\'s lives. We here at Far Away Music Canada believe that our souls are designed to love and be loved by GOD, as well as other people. (Music helps connects our psyches to the important things in life, and therefore connects us more deeply with those we love!)
If you are in need of focus, relaxation, emotional healing, relational healing, and connection with the living GOD of the Universe, Debbie\'s Instrumental Piano CDs will help facilitate these things, in addition to a soothing atmosphere in your home, car, church, wedding or funeral event, or even your own office space!
Instrumental music has been scientifically proven to lead to slower and deeper breathing (which aids in physical and emotional renewal). These are some of the reasons why we are confident that Debbie\'s Piano CDs will be a fantastic component to your collection!

Forever Friend (Jesus What a Friend for Sinners)
Ocean of Mercy (It Is Well with My Soul)
Journey Through the Pain
Forgiven (O Sacred Head Now Wounded)
Visions (Be Thou My Vision)
In the Garden
Never Alone (Great Is Thy Faithfulness)
Safe with You (He Hideth My Soul)
Midnight Bells
Dreaming of Sonlight (Fairest Lord Jesus)
Amazing Grace
Like an Eagle
The Healing River (There Is a Fountain)
Send Your Angels
Shepherd (Psalm 23)

- Ik probeer verschillende stijlen muziek te plaatsen waarvan het grootste gedeelte onder New Age valt. Plaats ik eens een cd die er wellicht iets vanaf wijkt (in uw mening) of niet onder valt, prima maar maak er geen scene van. Geniet van de muziek!
- Onderstaande uitdrukkingen spreken mij aan, dit staat los van New Age.
- Bevalt mijn muziek niet, sla mijn spots over.

“Wie op dankbaarheid rekent is een koopman, geen weldoener.” ~Fliegende Blatter~

“Zelfs ondankbare mensen zijn nuttig: zij helpen u wel te doen zonder eigenbelang.” ~Jules Claretie~

“Dankbaarheid kan alleen voortkomen uit een opgewekt innerlijk leven en een zeker vermogen tot liefhebben.” ~Robert Saitschick~

- De huidige LOSSLESS muziek die gepost is, is gecheckt.
- Verzoekjes zijn welkom. Als uw verzoek niet binnen 2 weken op spotnet staat dan is er niets te vinden.
- Plaats verzoekjes bij de meeste recente spots. Ik kijk niet verder terug dan 2 dagen.


“De muziek dient tot verstrooiing tot opvoeding, tot aansporing van geest en hart en tot de bevrijding van de hartstochten van de ziel.” ~Aristoteles~

“Muziek drukt dat uit wat niet gezegd kan worden maar waarover niet gezwegen kan worden.” ~Victor Hugo~

“Ons hele leven zou muziek zijn als we op elk ogenblik de juiste tonen zouden kunnen vinden.” ~John Ruskin~

Enjoy the feeling

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