<< WIN Aliens vs Predator 2
Aliens vs Predator 2
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Aliens vs Predator 2 RZR

Aliens versus Predator 2 is a science fiction first-person shooter computer game developed by Monolith Productions. It was published by Sierra Entertainment, and released through Fox Interactive for PC and Apple Macintosh computers in 2001. It is a sequel to Aliens versus Predator (1999); both games are based on the characters of the Alien and Predator media franchises as well as the Alien vs. Predator crossover series.

An expansion pack titled Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt was released in 2002. A "Gold Edition" of Aliens versus Predator 2 followed, combining both the original game and the expansion pack into a single package.

Like its predecessor, Aliens versus Predator 2 allows the player to choose one of three characters: an Alien, Predator or human Colonial Marine. Each character has different objectives, abilities and weapons at their disposal. The single-player campaigns present the player with conventional series of levels that are designed around the abilities of each character.

As the Colonial Marine, the player uses a number of weapons to combat Aliens and Predators. The Marine wears armor for protection, and uses an image intensifier, flashlight and flares to improve visibility in dark areas.

When playing as the Predator, the player uses a variety of weapons from the Predator films such as wrist blades, a throwing disc, and shoulder-mounted energy weapons. The Predator is more durable than the human or the Alien and can survive falls from greater heights than the human. It can use a cloaking device to become invisible and several different modes of vision to help in the detection of enemies, including infrared vision and a mode sensitive to electrical systems. Unlike in the previous game, the Predator in Aliens versus Predator 2 recharges its energy supply using a personal item.

As an Alien the player can explore most of the game"s environments freely, even climbing across walls and ceilings. However, the Alien has no weapons and must use its claws, tail, and jaws to attack enemies. The player can also use a form of echolocation in dark areas and can detect pheromones to discern human or Predator enemies. The Alien can drop from any height without injury and is the fastest of the three player characters.
[edit] Story

Unlike the preceding game, in which the storylines of the three player characters are independent and do not affect one another, the three story lines in Aliens versus Predator 2 intersect each other. The events of each storyline trigger events in the others. The events of the game are set fifty years after the events of the film Alien 3. Following the flight telemetry of the derelict spacecraft found on LV-426 where the Nostromo crew first encountered the Alien eggs in Alien, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation has discovered a planet with the ruins of an extraterrestrial civilization infested with Aliens. The planet, called LV-1201, and the Weyland-Yutani research station established there are the primary settings of the game. The facility is supervised by Dr. Eisenberg and consists of a Primary Operations Complex and a network of five Forward Observation Pods suspended over a canyon. When the game begins Pod 5 has been destroyed; the cause of its destruction is revealed in the expansion pack Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt.

When playing as the human character the player assumes the role of Corporal Andrew "Frosty" Harrison of the Colonial Marines, stationed aboard the spaceship USS Verloc en route to LV-1201. There has been no contact with the research facility there for six weeks and the marines are sent in to investigate. The landing goes awry and the player must battle Aliens, explore the research facility, and rescue the surviving marines. In the process the player causes a security breach which allows the Alien character access to the Forward Observation Pods, becomes temporarily imprisoned, unwittingly releases the Predator character.

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