<< WIN Zero.G.Perpetuo.Flutes
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 5.12 GB
Website http://www.zero-g.co.uk/store/perpetuo-p512.php
Sender CaptainSalvo (IDF7BA)                
Tag CaptSalvo        
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Post Description

Perpetuo gives you the advantages of fluidity and realism of recorded patterns and phrases and yet also many of the advantages of the flexibility of a standard orchestral library. Although it sounds great alone, Perpetuo works particularly well when blended with other premium orchestral sample libraries as a way of introducing a new layer of realism into the sound.

Performed by a world-class flute and piccolo player from the Liverpool Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and recorded in Liverpool's famous Parr Street studios, Perpetuo: Live Flute Phrases is an 8Gb collection of thousands of live recorded looped phrases compressed down to 4.6Gb using Kontakt’s lossless compression technology.


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