<< DVD5 WWE The Ladder Match DVD1 van 3
WWE The Ladder Match DVD1 van 3
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://the-graveyard.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9549
Sender Team The-Graveyard
Tag WWE TheGraveyard        
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this set will be great and is nice to finally get some rare impossible to find matches in dvd quality for the first time ever. i just wish wwe's creative/marketing team would stop being lazy with the creation of alot of their dvd sets. when are they gonna realize that these 3-disc sets are'nt going to get the job done. this set is a perfect example of this. missing matches in this set are: hbk/ramon WM10, eddie guerreo/syxx wcw souled out 1997, mankind/big bossman for the hardcore title wwf raw 11/30/1998(funny aftermath involving the rock/bossman/& hbk), goldberg/hall "tazer" match wcw souled out 1999(pretty funny), mankind/rock wwf raw 2/15/1999, scsa/the mcmahon's king of the ring 1999, hardy's/edge & christian/dudley's TLC WM 16/2000, rvd/jeff hardy summerslam 2001, & WM 22 & 23 MITB ladder matches. thats a good 2 dvd's worth of stuff missing right there...and i'm sure theres more matches i missed. wwe...wake up. invest in some new ideas. start being more creative with these sets. start digging deeper in those vaults...more rare matches please. are you listening?????. do you understand what the wwe fans are trying to tell you???. you might wanna hire new help. seriously. anyway besides that neglect, this is a must have come june 5. for the content provided on this set...highly recommended

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