<< PSP Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1015.91 MB
Website http://www.tothegame.com/psp-5254-capcom-classics-collection-reloaded-for-playstation-portable.html
Sender Dick42
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Post Description

Bringing hours of entertainment for gamers on the go, Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded offers arcade perfect ports which can all be enjoyed alone or via multiplayer using the PSP system&#146;s wireless ad hoc mode. Game sharing abilities not only pushes Reloaded over the compilation echelon, but presents the opportunity to be challenged just like the good ole arcade days. For those wanting to experience the games in their original presentation, the screen settings can be changed to suit just that. Relive Capcom&#146;s history and savor bonus features by earning credits towards Reloaded&#146;s themed slot machine to unlock a buffet of goods including original art, playing tips and secret codes.
More than 15 arcade-perfect classics on a single UMD&#153;
Hundreds of hours of nostalgic fun
A wealth of added features including game history, playing tips, original artwork, and new secret codes
Customizable controls to suit any gaming style.

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