<< DVD5 Tel and Jacko Go Fishing dvd 3
Tel and Jacko Go Fishing dvd 3
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://www.gofishing.co.uk/Angling-Times/Section/Tackle2/Coarse-and-Carp-Fishing-Tackle/Fishing-Accessories/Books-and-DVDs/Tel-and-Jacko-Go-Fishing-Parts-23-Terry-Hearn-and-Lee-Jackson-carp-fishing-DVD/
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Post Description

(Terry Hearn and Lee Jackson) carp fishing 

Following their success on the Estate Lake in part one of the series, the deadly duo set off on a quest for a big unknown carp on a large and virtually unfished lake in Cambridgeshire.

At the start of their quest the pair believe their task to be a fairly easy one, but far from it?one year and a great deal of filming later they begin to realise that the capture of the elusive 'Big Blue One' was a much bigger task than they first anticipated.

Follow the two carp anglers through the ups and downs of their quest with little diversions along the way, to day ticket waters like Holyfield Lake on the Essex/Hertfordshire border and Manor Farm & Hunts Corner Lakes at Oxford.

They will also be visiting the homes of two of the UK?s biggest (known) carp?Conning brook and Sonning (contains footage of Lee?s record carp) This quest for The 'Big Blue One' was filmed as it actually happened on the Cambridgeshire Lake, session by session, and gives the viewer an insight into the thinking behind the successes of two of Britain?s most popular and successful big carp anglers.

OVC?s Len Gurd filmed this two-part DVD over three separate years and at times Terry, Lee and Len began to think that they had taken on a task that they could see no end to? but out of the blue came the 'Big Blue One' and everything changed.

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