<< WIN [Joomla] - YOOtheme Zoo 2.2
[Joomla] - YOOtheme Zoo 2.2
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://yootheme.com/zoo/
Sender Zephyer
Tag Joomla;YOOtheme        
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Post Description

Template Engine 

Layouts with element positions to arrange content using Drag 'n Drop
Pre-build layouts for the items like full and teaser layouts
Search layout to arrange content shown in the search results
RSS layout to arrange content shown in the RSS feed
Templates to render elements wrapped with custom HTML code (similar to Joomla modules)
Global template parameters, which can be adjusted for each category or item
Global template parameters support any form elements like selectboxes or radio buttons
Image caching and resizing by width and height
Templates for the frontpage, categories, alpha index, tag and item view
Alpha index support for UTF-8 characters
Alpha index shows categories and items


Core elements for item name, author, hits, modification date, creation date, categories and tags
Checkbox element to define your own checkboxes
Date element has an easy date picker and is repeatable
E-Mail element which cloakes emails and is repeatable
Link element supports a custom title, lightboxes and is repeatable
Radio element to define your own radio buttons
Select element supports single and multi selection
Text element to define a simple input field which is repeatable
Textarea element uses the Joomla editor, supports Joomla plugins and is repeatable
Download element which supports a download limit and different modes like direct, attachment and protected
Gallery element supports all features of the YOOgallery module.
Image element supports auto resizing, lightboxes and is linkable
Video element supports Flash, Quicktime, Youtube, Vimeo and many more
Country element offers a selectbox with all countries of the world
Joomla module element allows displaying Joomla modules on specific item pages
Related categories element shows links to related categories
Related item element makes it possible to link to other items and to show their image and more
Rating element displays a voting with stars
Social bookmarks element displays links for Twitter, Facebook, Google and to recommend this item via email
Google Maps element supports all features of the YOOmaps module.
Addthis, Disqus, Flickr and IntenseDebate element

Comment System

Native comments with a very nice user interface
Supports approval by default, not by default or is only required once
Spam folder and support for spam preventing services (Akismet and Mollom)
Black list which checks content, name, URL, e-mail and IP
Automatic linking of URLs and email addresses in comments
Nested comments to a maximum depth of 5
Supports Gravatar service to provide avatars
Facebook and Twitter Connect
Quick editing of comments
Great looking default theme which highlights author comments

Application Engine

* Create your own apps
* Create unlimited app instances
* Great looking tab menu to browse the different app instances
* Build your own custom content types
* Large collection of elements to compose your types
* Extendible app parameters
* Content parameters to extend frontpage and categories with content fields
* Content parameters support text, textarea, checkbox, select, radio and image parameters
* Install, uninstall and export apps
* Import and export content from ZOO 2.0, ZOO 1.0 and Joomla
* Frontpage, category, item, comment and tag manager
* Item assignment to multiple categories
* Categories with a multi-level hierarchy and unlimited depth
* Tag system with "Autocompleter" and "Quick edit" functionality
* Sorting your categories using Drag &#145;n Drop
* Joomla plugins are working with all textareas used in ZOO 2.0
* Automatically generated slugs which can be quick edited
* Item priority to support a much more flexible item ordering

Stable public release with speed improvements, native MooTools 1.2 and sh404SEF support

Tools for ZOO.zip

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