<< WinPh Samsung Galaxy S Darky''s ROM v7.8
Samsung Galaxy S Darky''s ROM v7.8
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 518.63 MB
Website http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=814091
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Post Description

Bij deze de nieuwe versie van darky's rom.

Zie voor meer info graag de weblink.

Credits gaan naar uiteraard Darky, XDA en ook Harm Hoekstra voor de handleiding(zit bijgevoegd).

Happy new year en veel android vreugde.

changelog 7.7 -> 7.8

* Replaced the Gallery for a much better battery life [Setting a Lockscreen Wallpaper won't work with this Gallery, so stop complaining]
* Fixed the battery icon [now displaying when charging]
* Removed GoSMS [install from Market]
* Fixed Icons [GPS etc.]
* Easier Widget Management [AppWidgetPicker]
* Scripts have been rewritten to prevent problems [safer]
* Fixed APN / MMS for Bell Users [port 80, type="*"]
* Fixed MMS for Rogers Users [h**p://mms.gprs.rogers.com]
* Removed LauncherPro [install from Market]
* Added new Script [automatically cleans the old databases]
* Fixed Bluetooth Issues [fixed databases]
* Removed the "LauncherPro_Backup" [not needed anymore]
* Cleaned up the Installation Process [Update-Script]
* Added Chinese Input [HTC CIME, FC Fixed]
* Changed Standard Notification Sound ["Vega" from the Nexus S]
* Slightly reduced size [repacked ROM]
* New Hybrid / Transparent Dropdown-Bar [by R64]
* New Gingerbread themed TouchWiz Framework [by R64]

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