<< GC Mario Power Tennis (PAL)
Mario Power Tennis (PAL)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 36 MB
Website http://wiitdb.com/Game/GOMP01
Sender Idefix1976
Tag GameCubeIdefix1976        
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Post Description

Title: Mario Power Tennis
Region: PAL
Type: GameCube
Languages: EN
Synopsis: The Mushroom Kingdom has hosted tennis tournaments before, but never one as explosive as this one. The wild multiplayer action of the smash Nintendo 64 hit, Mario Tennis, returns with even more powerful shots and new, character-specific power-ups guaranteed to make for the craziest matches ever! Instead of just striking a ball back and forth, opponents in Mario Tennis will launch flaming volleys and slam hits with oversized mallets. Gamers play amidst all-new courts and obstacles, as well as some new characters and game modes. For example, you now get to play in the courts of Luigi's Mansion and below the packed stadiums of Peach Dome. Each court brings its own set of challenges. Each character also boasts his/her own set of moves, and each of them fitting the personality of its respective character.

Developer: Camelot Software Planning
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: 2005-2-25

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