<< iOS InstaCollage Pro v1.0 iOS (Geen Jailbreak Benodigd)
InstaCollage Pro v1.0 iOS (Geen Jailbreak Benodigd)
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 54.72 MB
Website http://iphonecake.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=80688
Sender Cristian (ALwY4g)                
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Post Description

>>> Do you want to make out of your photos something spectacular and exclusive? 

>>> Greeting cards, romantic posters, family photo collages - all this is possible to create on your device through creative application InstaCollage Pro™ HD.
Supports the Display Retina for the new iPad

►• It allows you to personally create beautiful and stylish multi frames by placing in them any photos from the gallery of your device.

Combining of photographs by the general idea, you will turn them into an interesting extremely topical photo-story, and picturesque frames and original effects of processing can help you emphasize your style and mood of artistic composition.

□□□ With InstaCollage Pro™ HD application, you can create unique posters on the theme of friendship or love, comic books about school life, to combine contrasting pictures (sad and happy, for children and adults) or write picture stories about the various celebrations which you attended.

□ Choose a theme and begin to be creative.
□ A flexible intelligent interface and detailed settings will allow you to bring your author frame to perfection.

♦ More than 50 types of frames.
♦ Selection of the frame format.
♦ Built-in camera and access to the gallery.
♦ Adjust the parties’ ratio within the frame.
♦ Bulk collection of blending effects.
♦ Rotation and mirroring of images.
♦ Change the width of the frame.
♦ Adjustment of rounded corners.
♦ Adjust color frames in three directions: color, saturation and brightness.
♦ Set the gradient of the frame color.
♦ Convenient methods of scaling inside the frame.
♦ Supports high resolution while saving the image.
♦ Sending via e-mail, Thumblr, Twitter, Facebook

□ InstaCollage Pro™ HD will make your album a few times more interesting and romantic.

□ Using the frames, you can transform your old photos, and combining them with new ones, create a completely unexpected and eloquent artistic sketches.

With them you can amaze your friends, decorate your own pages on the Internet or enjoy alone, indulging in pleasant memories.

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Werkt ook op toestellen met jailbreak!

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