<< WinPh Joomla Flippingbook 1.5.9 Addons
Joomla Flippingbook 1.5.9 Addons
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Category Applications
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 2.02 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Joomla+Flippingbook+1.5.9+Addons
Sender mupopy81
Tag mupopy81        
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Post Description

Most galleries and photo albums for Joomla CMS offer different effects and navigation options. 
Yet no matter how beautiful the effects and how convenient the navigation, they are merely photo albums,
like thousands of others. We offer a totally new approach to creating galleries, photo albums, catalogs, and portfolios.

FlippingBook creates a spectacular 3D effect of flipping pages. Its applications are boundless.

Below are just a few key areas where this component will prove really useful.

* You are in a creative occupation and would like to show website visitors your portfolio... and do so in a really impressive and memorable way.
Post your images on the pages of FlippingBook Joomla Gallery.
Each page can have a different link that will take visitors to a detailed description of your work, your website, or a downloadable presentation.
* * You sell merchandise or services and would like to improve their presentation.
Post images of your merchandise and brief descriptions on the pages of the book.
In this case page links can serve to direct visitors to the ordering page or reference manuals.
Using SWF files as book pages gives you additional functionality ? animation, any number of links, interactive elements, and the like.
* Your company publishes a magazine, or your customers are accustomed to seeing your printed catalog. In this case our component is indispensable.
Your customers will be able to see a new issue of your magazine, catalog, or presentation without leaving their homes.
A click on the page opens an enlarged image of the catalog page.
* You simply need to present your photo album in an unusual way.
All you need to do is post your photos on the pages of FlippingBook Joomla Gallery, and they will make a lasting impression on your visitors.
Visitors can enlarge your photos for a detailed view or enjoy them in slideshow mode.

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