<< WIN Scala Infochannel Designer V3 +Sp4 +Sp5
Scala Infochannel Designer V3 +Sp4 +Sp5
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 376.52 MB
Website http://www.scala.com/digital-signage-products/news/media-resources/digital-signage-spec-sheet
Sender Richard63
Tag Richard63        
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Ideaal als kabelkrant maar ook als welkomst scherm op diverse gelegenheden alsmede reclame in je winkel te gebruiken.
Kinderlijk eenvoudig te gebruiken
(dit programma bestaat al bijna 20 jaar en is weinig veranderd in die tijd wat de bediening betreft)
Ik had vroeger dit programma als scala IC200 en hoger voor de Amiga

Info van de website:
Scala Designer is the fastest, most cost-effective solution for creating truly dynamic content for digital signage. You can author professional media in an attention-grabbing environment for virtually any type of display by incorporating your existing media files into a ScalaScript. From retail dynamic signage to government and education to business communications, Designer gives you more creative control of your content with flexibility and real-time edits not offered by video production. Designer helps you create great content that can be more efficient to send and store than using video. While your Scala network does not require that your content come from Designer, it is the best way to create rich, professional content that can be changed quickly and easily without sacrificing any attention-grabbing appeal.

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