<< PS3 PS3 Game Updater v1.14
PS3 Game Updater v1.14
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Category Games
PlatformPlaystation 3
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 630 KB
Website http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNdwzCqH4HU&amp;hd=1
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs        
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Post Description

PS3 Game Updater is a program that identifies the games you have on your computers HDD, it then lets you check for any updates those games may have and lets you download them.

PS3 Game Updater v1.4 has been released today, its been a while since we posted an update on this. There are several new features added including FTP support, and various optimization and enhancements.

Version 1.4

+ Fixed that dreadful crash when pressing the "Get Games List" button.
+ Added FTP PSN Support (FTP function will now show updates for PSN games as well).
+ Want to download the updates using your favorite download manager? Now you can have the option to export game updates links to a text file
+ Added a new column - "Fat32 Compatible". Basically checkes for files larger than 4GB (Disabled by default, enable in settings window).
+ By popular request, Now you choose between "," ";" or "[TAB]" delimieter for csv export (Settings window)

Version 1.3
+ Major changes to the results grid.
+ You can now download all updates of a game, instead of the latest one!
+ Added downloading updates by game id (choose "Search Game ID" from the "Import From" menu)
+ Optimized the ftp lookup. Should be about 20 times faster now.
+ Added a new option in Settings: you can now choose to save the update file in its ogirinal file name, or save it as "[GAMENAME] - Version [VERSION].pkg]" for easier
location and update ordering.
+ Added a "Donate" option in the menu. Please do

Version 1.2
+ Added exporting list to csv file.
+ Fully already downloaded updated will be skipped.
+ Added FTP scan support (Experimental). Switch to "PS3 FTP" from the menu. The application will scan the directory of your choice for the games installed, and return a list, just like HDD scan. To edit locations of the games folder, edit the settings.ini. Edit "FTPLocations" parameter, each location seperated by a ",". Updates downloaded through FTP scan will be saved under the "PS3 Game Updater Updates (FTP Scan)" in the aplication directory.
* Note: this process could take a while, depending on the amount of sub-directories of your games directory.
+ Added shortcuts:
F1 - About
F2 - Settings
Ctrl+Shift+S - Export as csv
+ minor and not-so-minor bug fixes.

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