<< WinPh Angry Frogs 1.0 - Android
Angry Frogs 1.0 - Android
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Category Games
PlatformWindows Phone
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 3.75 MB
Website http://getandroidstuff.com/angry-frogs-android-download-game-beta-v10-destroy-evil-snakes/
Sender Honnes
Tag HonnesAndroid        
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Post Description

Help the frogs to destroy the evil snakes.
Use your finger to load the slingshots and destroy all the snakes using frogs different powers.

Game genre: Angry Birds.

Main characteristics:
1) 13 frogs powers (7 unique and 6 frogs with combined powers).
2) Possibility to shot with more slingshots at the same time (up to 2 cause to andriod input limit).
4) Single Level highscores and ratings.
5) Top players highscores.
Try the LEVEL EDITOR, create your level, play it instantly and see the world come to life!!!
Upload the level and let other users play it!!
In tutorials section of my website you can find a useful tutorial to start creating levels.
I just released the beta version with 40 levels and as soon as the version is stable I'll release the final version.
New Levels can be downloaded directly from inside the game, no need to update the application.
Every time new levels are released you have just to click the update button in the play menu.

*** The first time you download and install the app you need to download the levels.

In the main menu there is a bug report button that will help me a lot to fix any kind of bugs you will find out.
Thanks everybody in advance.

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