<< FLAC R. Carlos Nakai, William Eaton, Will Clipman - 2022 - Spiral Rendezvous (24-96)
R. Carlos Nakai, William Eaton, Will Clipman - 2022 - Spiral Rendezvous (24-96)
Category Sound
Date 2 years, 6 months
Size 1.11 GB
Spotted with Spotnet
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Voor de mensen die het af en toe eens wat rustiger aan willen doen. 

¾ jaar geleden spotte ik een album van Nakai uit 2020. De Indiaanse fluitist en healer loopt al heel wat jaartjes mee en ik speel dan ook al vele jaren zijn muziek met veel plezier. Met een goede koptelefoon bijzonder prettig.

R. Carlos Nakai is the world’s premier performer of and composer for the Native American flute. He has released 36 albums on Canyon Records and has sold over four million albums worldwide. William Eaton is a visionary musician and composer and the director of the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery. His inventive multistringed instruments are world-renowned and have been featured on his 17 albums for Canyon Records. Will Clipman plays an array of percussion instruments from around the world in addition to the traditional drum kit. He has recorded more than 70 albums, more than half of which for Canyon Records. Collectively, the musicians have received 22 Grammy nominations.

Over the course of their 30-year collaboration, R. Carlos Nakai, William Eaton, and Will Clipman have engaged in an ever-evolving improvisational dialogue to generate their collective sound. Their creative process is documented on their five studio recordings, which include the Grammy-nominated In a Distant Place and Dancing into Silence and the new Spiral Rendezvous. The trio will improvise and play variations of songs from their recordings in their one-of-a-kind, in-the-moment performance.

01. Spiral Rendezvous
02. From the Depths
03. Modus Indorum ad Fibonacci
04. Green Jaguar
05. Firewalkers
06. Hózhó Nihí Déyá - In Beauty, We Travel
07. Pebble in the Pond
08. Heart of the Matter
09. Memory’s Labyrinth

Staat er compleet op, 10% pars mee gepost. Met zeer veel dank aan de originele poster. Laat af en toe eens weten wat je van het album vindt. Altijd leuk, de mening van anderen.


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