<< DivX CuckoldSessions : Melissa Moore (SD mp4)
CuckoldSessions : Melissa Moore (SD mp4)
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Date 8 years, 7 months
Size 372.57 MB
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Post Description

Leo and Melissa seem like a happy couple, and they are... to a degree. Melissa's been addicted to black 
cock since banging half the basketball team back in school, and Leo needs new pussy all the time. Leo
suspects Melissa is still with the BBC, but he's going to confirm it today. He's sent two of his college
buddies over to his house disguised as "pool service", and today he's about to confirm what he's known
all along. Instead of getting mad, he's going to catch her red-handed and then cut the deal: have all the
black cock you want, but Leo's gonna bang all the pussy he can get my hands on! After Melissa's been
fucked out by his old pals, Leo's going to give his good slut wife a reward: a good, old-fashioned jizz
shot to the face. And what a shot it is!



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