<< WIN MediaChance - Photo Blend 3D v1 5 1 (2012)-baNdulu
MediaChance - Photo Blend 3D v1 5 1 (2012)-baNdulu
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 14.2 MB
Website http://www.mediachance.com/photoblend/index.html
Sender BanDulu1 (0AlqIA)                
Tag Bandulu        
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Post Description


Photo Blend 3D is a new generation of photo montage software, designed from the ground up for the purpose of combining objects from several photographs into a single composition.

You can export the final composition not only as a normal 2D photo but you can very easy make a 3D stereogram and anaglyph images as well.
Photo Blend employs few fantastic features that are unique among photo editors:

Tolerant Masks
The biggest problem with combining different pictures is to isolate the object from one photo so it looks perfectly seamless on top of another. Normally the mask for that has to be very precise and pixel perfect.
Photo Blend makes this task much easier with its very forgiving self-adjusting masks. Photo Blend will hide the imperfection and make the image snap into the scene as if it was always part of it.

Auto-Adjusting Colors
Combining different pictures taken in different light conditions, time of the day and different cameras? This would be a lot of work in any photo editor, but not in Photo Blend.

Photo Blend interface, combining photos that would normally hardly fit together.
Photo Blend will automatically adjust the lights and colors of the objects to visually snap into new composition even if the sources are very different.
This goes as far as grabbing ambient light from the scene. And all is automatic, you simply don't have to worry about it.

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