<< MP3 Gerard - Sighs of the Water
Gerard - Sighs of the Water
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Post Description

Gerard - Sighs of the Water

Studio Album, released in 2002

Songs / Tracks Listing
1. Sights Of The Water (8:08)
2. From The Deep (7:22)
3. Pain In The Bubble (5:53)
4. Keep A Memory Green (5:10)
5. Cry For The Moon (4:45)
6. Aqua Dream Part One: Aqua Dream (6:50)
7. Aqua Dream Part Two: Spring (8:23) - Musea Exclusive Bonus Track

Line-up / Musicians
- Toshio Egawa / keyboards
- Atsushi Hasegawa / bass
- Matsuhiro Goto / drums, vocals

Special Guests:
- Jean Nakaji / vocals on tracks 4 & 6
- Mika Nakajima (Ars Nova) / choirs on track 4

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