<< DivX 24 Season 5 - Episode 3 Dutch Subs
24 Season 5 - Episode 3 Dutch Subs
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LanguageDutch subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1.15 GB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=24+Season+5+-+Episode+3+Dutch+Subs
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The Following takes place between 09:00 am and 10:00 am

Jack conceals himself inside the airport, surveying the Russian separatists and feeding information to Curtis Manning (Roger Cross) and his assault team. The terrorists continue to execute hostages in an attempt to make Logan give in to their demands to nullify the treaty. With help from Chloe back at CTU Jack detonates one of the terrorist's explosive vests to stall the executions. However the traitor Walt Cummings contacts Beresch, the leader of the terrorists and informs him of Jack's presence and his connection to one of the hostages, Derek Huxley (Brady Corbet). Beresch threatens to execute Derek, forcing Jack to give himself up. Martha discovers that all the traces of her conversation with Palmer might not have been erased and accesses the archives at the presidential retreat looking for a transcript.

Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer (24 episodes)
Kim Raver as Audrey Raines (23 episodes)
Mary Lynn Rajskub as Chloe O'Brian (24 episodes)
Carlos Bernard as Tony Almeida (6 episodes)
Gregory Itzin as President Charles Logan (23 episodes)
James Morrison as Bill Buchanan (23 episodes)
Roger Cross as Curtis Manning (19 episodes)
Louis Lombardi as Edgar Stiles (13 episodes)
Jean Smart as First Lady Martha Logan (23 episodes)

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