<< ePub Tanith Lee bibliography (Nederlands en Engels)
Tanith Lee bibliography (Nederlands en Engels)
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LanguageDutch audio/written
LanguageEnglish audio/written
GenreScience Fiction
Date 3 months, 3 days
Size 92.03 MB
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Tanith Lee (19 September 1947 - 24 May 2015) bibliography Nederlands en Engels

Tanith Lee was a British writer of science fiction, horror, and fantasy. She was the author of 77 novels, 14 collections, and almost 300 short stories.
She also wrote four radio plays broadcast by the BBC and two scripts for the UK, science fiction, cult television series "Blake's 7." (Sarcophagus & Sand)
Before becoming a full time writer, Lee worked as a file clerk, an assistant librarian, a shop assistant, and a waitress.

Her first short story, "Eustace," was published in 1968, and her first novel (for children) The Dragon Hoard was published in 1971.

Her career took off in 1975 with the acceptance by Daw Books USA of her adult fantasy epic The Birthgrave for publication as a mass-market paperback, and Lee has since maintained a prolific output in popular genre writing.

Lee twice won the World Fantasy Award: once in 1983 for best short fiction for “The Gorgon” and again in 1984 for best short fiction for “Elle Est Trois (La Mort).”
She has been a Guest of Honour at numerous science fiction and fantasy conventions including the Boskone XVIII in Boston, USA in 1981, the 1984 World Fantasy Convention in Ottawa, Canada, and Orbital 2008 the British National Science Fiction convention (Eastercon) held in London, England in March 2008.
In 2009 she was awarded the prestigious title of Grand Master of Horror.

Lee was the daughter of two ballroom dancers, Bernard and Hylda Lee. Despite a persistent rumour, she was not the daughter of the actor Bernard Lee who played "M" in the James Bond series of films of the 1960s.

Tanith Lee married author and artist John Kaiine in 1992.
Tanith Lee died at her home in East Sussex of breast cancer on 24 May 2015 at the age of 67.

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Als je niet bekend bent met het werk van Tanith Lee, dan is Het Geboortegraf of Stormgebieder een aanrader!


Tanith Lee - Ara
Tanith Lee - Cyrion
Tanith Lee - Dag bij nacht (vert. Arthur Nytrov)
Tanith Lee - De beker van Avillis
Tanith Lee - De Jang Generatie
Tanith Lee - De Zwarte Tovenaar
Tanith Lee - Dekteons Vlucht
Tanith Lee - Het bloed van rozen
Tanith Lee - Het boek van de doden
Tanith Lee - Kasteel Van De Duisternis
Tanith Lee - Land voorbij de mist
Tanith Lee - Prinses Hynchatti (en nog wat verrassingen)
Tanith Lee - Schimmen In De Duisternis
Tanith Lee - Shon bezeten
Tanith Lee - Ten Oosten van Middernacht
Tanith Lee - Tweesprook 2 (Orson Scot Card)
Tanith Lee - Volkhavaar
Tanith Lee - Vrouwe van het duister
Tanith Lee - Wolvenkinderen


De Heersers der Duisternis
Lee, Tanith - De Heersers der Duisternis 00 Omnibus
Lee, Tanith - De Heersers der Duisternis 01 Heerser van de Nacht
Lee, Tanith - De Heersers der Duisternis 02 Meester van de Dood
Lee, Tanith - De Heersers der Duisternis 03 Prins van de Waan
Lee, Tanith - De Heersers der Duisternis 04 Vrouwe van de IJlingen
Lee, Tanith - De Heersers der Duisternis 05 Prinses van de nacht

De Opera Van Het Bloed
Lee, Tanith - De Opera Van Het Bloed 01 - De Dans van de Scarabae
Lee, Tanith - De Opera Van Het Bloed 02 - Het Bloed van de Scarabae
Lee, Tanith - De Opera Van Het Bloed 03 - Ik, Duisternis (Tanith Lee)

Lee, Tanith - Het geboortegraf 01 - Het Geboortegraf
Lee, Tanith - Het geboortegraf 02 - Schaduwvuur
Lee, Tanith - Het geboortegraf 03 - De Witte Heks

Lee, Tanith - 01. Sabella
Lee, Tanith - 02. Laat de Doden Sterven

Lee, Tanith - Stormgebieder 01 - Stormgebieder (Heer der Stormen)
Lee, Tanith - Stormgebieder 02 - Anackire
Lee, Tanith - Stormgebieder 03 - Het Witte Serpent


Lee, Tanith - A Wolf at the Door And Other Rare Tales
Lee, Tanith - Blood 20
Lee, Tanith - Cold Grey Stones
Lee, Tanith - Companions on the Road
Lee, Tanith - Disturbed by Her Song
Lee, Tanith - Dreams Of Dark And Light
Lee, Tanith - Fatal Women The Esther Garber Novellas
Lee, Tanith - Legenda Maris
Lee, Tanith - Nightshades Thirteen Journeys Into Shadow
Lee, Tanith - Red as Blood, or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer
Lee, Tanith - Redder Than Blood
Lee, Tanith - Reigning Cats and Dogs
Lee, Tanith - Space Is Just a Starry Night (Short Story Collection)
Lee, Tanith - Tanith By Choice (The Best of Tanith Lee)
Lee, Tanith - Tanith Lee A to Z
Lee, Tanith - The Empress of Dreams
Lee, Tanith - The Gorgon and Other Beastly Tales
Lee, Tanith - Women as Demons The Male Perception of Women through Space and Time

Lee, Tanith - A Heroine of the World
Lee, Tanith - Cyrion
Lee, Tanith - Day by Night
Lee, Tanith - Days of Grass
Lee, Tanith - Death of the Day
Lee, Tanith - Electric Forest
Lee, Tanith - Elephantasm
Lee, Tanith - Eva Fairdeath
Lee, Tanith - Heart-Beast
Lee, Tanith - Indigara, Or, Jet and Otis Conquer the World
Lee, Tanith - Lycanthia
Lee, Tanith - Mortal Suns
Lee, Tanith - Shon the Taken
Lee, Tanith - Sung in Shadow
Lee, Tanith - Tamastara
Lee, Tanith - The Castle of Dark
Lee, Tanith - Vivia (Special Edition) (Christian D”rge (Illustrator)
Lee, Tanith - Volkhavaar
Lee, Tanith - White as Snow

01 Lee, Tanith - The Birthgrave
02 Lee, Tanith - Shadowfire
03 Lee, Tanith - Hunting the White Witch

Blood Opera
01 Lee, Tanith - Dark Dance
02 Lee, Tanith - Personal Darkness
03 Lee, Tanith - Darkness,

Castle of Dark
01-02 Lee, Tanith - Dark Castle, White Horse (Castle of Dark

Claidi Journals
01 Lee, Tanith - Law of the Wolf Tower
02 Lee, Tanith - Wolf Star Rise
03 Lee, Tanith - Queen of the Wolves
04 Lee, Tanith - Wolf Wing

Colouring Book
01 Lee, Tanith - Greyglass
02 Lee, Tanith - Killing Violet
03 Lee, Tanith - To Indigo
04 Lee, Tanith - L'Amber
05 Lee, Tanith - Cruel Pink
06 Lee, Tanith - Ivoria
07 Lee, Tanith - Turquoiselle

Lee, Tanith - Cyrion

Don't Bite the Sun
01 Lee, Tanith - Don't Bite the Sun
02 Lee, Tanith - Drinking Sapphire Wine

01 Lee, Tanith - Ghosteria Volume 1 - The Stories
02 Lee, Tanith - Ghosteria Volume 2 - The Novel - Zircons May Be Mistaken

01 Lee, Tanith - Cast a Bright Shadow
02 Lee, Tanith - Here in Cold Hell
03 Lee, Tanith - No Flame But Mine

Lee, Tanith - Piratica I Being a Daring Tale
Lee, Tanith - Piratica II Return to Parrot Island
Lee, Tanith - Piratica III The Family Sea

01 Lee, Tanith - Sabella or The Blood Stone
02 Lee, Tanith - Kill the Dead

Silver Metal Lover
01 Lee, Tanith - The Silver Metal Lover
02 Lee, Tanith - Metallic Love

Tales of the Flat Earth
01 Lee, Tanith - Night's Master
02 Lee, Tanith - Death's Master
03 Lee, Tanith - Delusion's Master
04 Lee, Tanith - Delirium's Mistress
05 Lee, Tanith - Night's Sorceries
Lee, Tanith - The Earth is Flat (Tales from the Flat Earth and Elsewhere)
Lee, Tanith - The Man Who Stole the Moon (Tales of the Flat Earth)

The Secret Books of Paradys
01. Lee, Tanith - The Book of the Damned
02. Lee, Tanith - The Book of the Beast
03 .Lee, Tanith - The Book of the Dead
04. Lee, Tanith - The Book of the Mad
Lee, Tanith - The Secret Books of Paradys (The Secret Books of Paradys 1-4)

The Secret Books of Venus
01 Lee, Tanith - Faces Under Water
02 Lee, Tanith - Saint Fire
03 Lee, Tanith - A Bed of Earth
04 Lee, Tanith - Venus Preserved

01 Lee, Tanith - Black Unicorn
02 Lee, Tanith - Gold Unicorn
03 Lee, Tanith - Red Unicorn

Wars of Vis
01 Lee, Tanith - The Storm Lord
02 Lee, Tanith - Anackire
03 Lee, Tanith - The White Serpent

Short Fiction
Lee, Tanith - A Day In The Skin (or, The Century We Ran Out of Them)
Lee, Tanith - A Hero at the Gates
Lee, Tanith - A House on Fire
Lee, Tanith - All the Birds of Hell
Lee, Tanith - Arthur's Lion
Lee, Tanith - Bite-Me-Not or, Fleur de Feu
Lee, Tanith - Cold Fire
Lee, Tanith - Companions on the Road
Lee, Tanith - Crying in the Rain
Lee, Tanith - Death Dances
Lee, Tanith - Evillo the Uncunning
Lee, Tanith - Felixity
Lee, Tanith - Green Wallpaper
Lee, Tanith - In the City of Dead Night
Lee, Tanith - Into Gold
Lee, Tanith - Jedella Ghost
Lee, Tanith - King's Mage
Lee, Tanith - Kiss Kiss
Lee, Tanith - Louisa the Poisoner - 2011
Lee, Tanith - Medra
Lee, Tanith - Midday People
Lee, Tanith - Midnight
Lee, Tanith - Moonblind
Lee, Tanith - Nunc Dimittis
Lee, Tanith - Persian Eyes
Lee, Tanith - Sea Warg
Lee, Tanith - Shadow Kissing
Lee, Tanith - Snow-Drop
Lee, Tanith - Table Manners
Lee, Tanith - The Abortionist's Horse (A Nightmare)
Lee, Tanith - The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Lee, Tanith - The Demoness
Lee, Tanith - The Eye in the Heart
Lee, Tanith - The Ghost (in Two Letters)
Lee, Tanith - The Gorgon
Lee, Tanith - The Heart of the Moon
Lee, Tanith - The Human Mystery
Lee, Tanith - The Isle Is Full of Noises
Lee, Tanith - The Janfia Tree
Lee, Tanith - The Lily Garden
Lee, Tanith - The Puma's Daughter
Lee, Tanith - The Reason For Not Going To The Ball
Lee, Tanith - The Sky-Green Blues
Lee, Tanith - The Winter Players
Lee, Tanith - The Woman
Lee, Tanith - These Beasts
Lee, Tanith - Torhec the Sculptor
Lee, Tanith - Two Lions, A Witch, and the War-Robe
Lee, Tanith - Under Above the Water
Lee, Tanith - Underfog (The Wreckers)
Lee, Tanith - Unlocked
Lee, Tanith - Venus Rising on Water
Lee, Tanith - Vermilia
Lee, Tanith - When All Things Perish
Lee, Tanith - Where All Things Perish
Lee, Tanith - Why Light
Lee, Tanith - Winter Flowers
Lee, Tanith - Wolf Queen
Lee, Tanith - Wolfed
Lee, Tanith - Yellow and Red
Lee, Tanith - Zinder

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