<< FLAC Veronica Album Top 1000 - 2011 (0051-0075) [FLAC]
Veronica Album Top 1000 - 2011 (0051-0075) [FLAC]
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 14.64 GB
Website http://www.radioveronica.nl/lijst/album-top-1000-allertijden/facts_figures_van_de_album_top_1000_allertijden_2011
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Veronica Album Top 1000
Alle 1000 albums worden separaat gespot.

Dit deel bevat:

0051 - Robbie Williams - 2002 - Escapology
0052 - Beatles - 1969 - Abbey Road
0053 - Bruce Springsteen - 1980 - The River
0054 - Keane - 2004 - Hopes And Fears
0055 - Doors - 1985 - The Best Of
0056 - Queen - 1976 - A Day At The Races
0057 - Fleetwood Mac - 1987 - Tango In The Night
0058 - Pink Floyd - 1975 - Wish You Were Here
0059 - Gary Moore - 1990 - Still Got The Blues
0060 - Prince - 1987 - Sign 'O' The Times
0061 - ACDC - 1977 - Let There Be Rock
0062 - Live - 1999 - The Distance To Here
0063 - Caro Emerald - 2010 - Deleted Scenes From The Cutting Room Floor
0064 - Bryan Adams - 1984 - Reckless
0065 - Duran Duran - 1998 - Greatest
0066 - Beach Boys - 1966 - Pet Sounds
0067 - U2 - 1991 - Achtung Baby
0068 - Genesis - 1986 - Invisible Touch
0069 - Eagles - 1994 - Hell Freezes Over {Live}
0070 - Madonna - 1985 - Like A Virgin
0071 - Bon Jovi - 1992 - Keep The Faith
0072 - Police - 1990 - Their Greatest Hits
0073 - Beatles - 1968 - The White Album (The Beatles)
0074 - Toto - 1982 - Toto IV
0075 - Oasis - 1995 - (What's The Story) Morning Glory

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