<< DivX Inside Americas Toughest High School
Inside Americas Toughest High School
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Inside Americas Toughest High School

An american docu from 2008
This show is about the Walter L. Cohen high school on the
outskirts of the Central City district in New Orleans
Central City has one of the highest murder rates of all the
districts in New Orleans and as shown here it has affected
the schools in the area aswell

For many, high school brings football games, school dances, award ceremonies and senior pranks. But for some teen students in New Orleans, their reality &#150; drugs, murder, gangs and guns &#150; is much grittier. Enter the corridors of Walter L. CohenHigh School, where three students and one first-year teacher reveal unvarnished accounts of life in an urban high school in the murder capital of the United States. From violent parties to threats against teachers as well as the tragic murders of four students &#150; at least one shot by a fellow student &#150; personal video diaries and intimate interviews offer a rare glimpse into life at Cohen High.

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