<< MP3 DJ Harry - Dance Classics of the 80""s Partout mix 19
DJ Harry - Dance Classics of the 80""s Partout mix 19
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Zonne-Angel presenteert :

DJ Harry - Dance Classics of the 80"s Partout mix 19


Discotheque Partout was the place to be in Oosterhout (nbr) in de jaren 80. Geopend in 1983 en ergens midden jaren 90 definitief gesloten.
In de periode 1986 t/m 1990 was DJ Harry op de vrijdagavond de vaste DJ.
Zijn grootste hobby toen en nog steeds is het mixen van destijds vinyl platen en nu digitale tracks uit de jaren 80.


Partout Mix 19

01. Intro
02. The Latest &#150; Starting over
03. Cutty &#150; Naughty times
04. Michael Jonzun &#150; Burnin&#146;up
05. Funk Deluxe &#150; This time
06. Tavares &#150; Got to find my way back to you
07. Chic &#150; You are beautiful
08. Regina &#150; Baby love
09. Sumy &#150; Funckin&#146;in your mind
10. The Jammers &#150; what have you got to lose
11. Cherelle &#150; Artificial heart
12. Pauli Carmen &#150; Dail my number
13. Midnight Star &#150; Midas touch
14. The Intruders &#150; Who do you love
15. Time Bandits &#150; I&#146;m only shooting love (US Remix)
16. T Ski Valley &#150; Valley Style

Total playing time : 62:30 minuten

Kwaliteit : 320 kb/s

Enjoy it!

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