<< NDS Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSONE SDHC Evolution v1.0 SP2
Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSONE SDHC Evolution v1.0 SP2
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://xandecs.nl/FTD/
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs DSONE        
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Post Description

 DSONE/i Evolution SP2 OS (23-3-2010)

Program aspects:
1. Redesigned the card reading I/O, greatly enhance the speed of card reading.
2. Fixed to The Legend of Zelda (4544,4594) save size to 8Mbit, 3690 - Made in Ore (J) (3690) save size to 256Mbit, Daigasso! Band Brothers (2385) save size to 64Mbit.
3. Fixed RPG tools for DS, screen mess error, change save size to 256Mbit.
4. Fixed a Real time save bug, some games, such as 0444 etc. no longer crash.
5. Fixed a read patch bug, some games, such as pocket baseball (4518) etc. no longer crashes.
6. Fixed Sonic Classic Collection(4765), Keroro RPG (J)(4762), Alice_In_Wonderland (U)(4760) patch mode crashes error.
7. Fixed Made in Ore(4812) (4274)
8. Updated the save method. Changed from arm9 to arm7.(the same as with the DSONE SP8). It's more compatible.
9. Card reader speed is optimized, the game's own FAT table placed in psram (the game is often read this table).
10. The game's real-time menus cursor can be moved circularly.
11. Fixed the following games:
FF12 Wings of souls, number 2385
Name of the large ensemble Brothers Band No. 2672
Name of the U.S. version of Life SpongeBob SquarePants picture No. 4683
Name to Fu Garden No. 0836
Name Didi Diddy Kong Racing
12. Added a few options for the card read speed ( total of nine levels), you can set up for high speed cards.
13. Fixed cheat code failure problems.

Interface aspects:
1. Added a button &#147;Disable all&#148; in the cheat code system.
2. Greatly reduces the waiting time into the directory (for comparison for before if there are a lot of files, enter directory will slow down)

Some game can run in Clean mode:
3540 - Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzli (Europe) (4k save size)
4237 - Combat of Giants: Dragons (4k save size)
Animal Crossing Chinese Version (2M save size)
4800 Infinite Space (4k save size)
4638 Might & Magic Clash of Heroes (Europe) (64k save size)

De nieuwste cheat-file zit er ook weer bij!

Ik bied altijd ondersteuning totdat de nieuwe versie er op staat!

Je weet me te vinden voor meer informatie..

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