<< WIN Web Creator Pro 5.1
Web Creator Pro 5.1
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Web Creator Pro v5.1 | 80.3 MB
Creating a website now easy as 1-2-3!Web Creator 5 Pro is a powerful website building software tool to create your online presence
in a flash!
Build a website with no prior design or programming knowledge. Focus on the contents: let your creativity and style shine through
all the coding is done for you automatically.
Supported by a unique technology, Web Creator is a complete website software solution featuring efficient editing tools.
No two websites built with Web Creator are the same, build your website using the structure you desire.
Choose from a wide variety of templates, partial transparency and 3D effects, simple drag and drop, text editing
a pull-down menu generator.A good website design supports and enhances it&#146;s content.
Web Creator provides exceptional Vista style effects such as drop shadows, frames and buttons
as well as a large library of graphic elements.

- WYSIWYG: Fully visual editor with instant preview.
- Docking menus and toolbars.
- Drag & drop and copy-paste: easily insert all kinds of elements.
- Unlimited Undo: Goes back step by step to the status of the page when last saved
- Rapid access toolbar to library elements and to &#147;My elements&#148;.
- Multiple document interface (MDI): open many projects and copy elements between them.
- javascript and HTML: import and edit code.
- Hyperlinks: to another page, site, file, email or anchor.
- Alignment tools and snapping grid: to ease precise alignment of elements.
- Text editor: in place editing. All world languages supported. Import RTF formatted text, excel tables and graphs.
- Layers: Elements can be placed above each other and precisely positionned. No complex frames with unpredictable layout results.
- Groups: Makes it easy to apply actions to many elements at once.
- Property grid: instantly view properties changes. Change properties of many elements at once.
- Page management: Go to, duplicate, rename, delete.

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