<< NDS Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSTWO v1.02
Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSTWO v1.02
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://xandecs.nl/FTD/
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs DSTWO        
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SUPERCARD DSTWO v1.02 (1th-06-2010):

1. Update the file system, remove checking storage space function to improve reading speed.
2. Added system file protection, user could not operate on system files to avoid system corrupt.
3. Fixed save problem, when the patch database save size is different from customer save size setting, will keep customer save size.
4. Fixed a cheat code bug. Sometimes, the cheat code does not display.
5. Fixed GameWatch Games Collection, RPG tools.
6. 1222 - Archime DS (J)
2360 - LOL (U)
2645 - Bakushow
Fixed these game downplay function.
7. Added DSTWO provide Soft-Reset function for Homebrew. Any homebrew software run &#147;_dstwo/reset2desktop.nds&#148; file can return to DSTWO desktop.
8. Fixed ReadTime Save display time error bug.
Note: Old version patch database can not be use in new OS.

De nieuwste cheat-file zit er ook weer bij!

Ik bied altijd ondersteuning totdat de nieuwe versie er op staat!

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