<< WIN GetAllMaps Easy Google Maps Downloader.v6.81
GetAllMaps Easy Google Maps Downloader.v6.81
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 2 MB
Website http://www.getallmaps.com
Sender Harribo (uTWnw)                
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Post Description

Omschrijving (gekopieerd vanuit het Engels):

Easy Google Maps Downloader is a tool that can automatically
download the Google Maps images to your PC. It can download the
small tiles and save them to your hard disk, including the normal
maps, satellite maps, hybrid maps and terrain maps. After
downloading, you can view the maps offline by its tool Maps Viewer,
or you can combine the small images into one big map image. If you
want to make a map of your city by yourself, it is very useful for you.
Note: The downloaded images are only for your personal purpose,
non-commercial use.

Kortom: applicatie waarmee kan je google maps tegels kan downloaden (die je dan weer kan gebruiken in je een eigen (smartphone) applicatie oid)

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