<< MP3 (audiobook) Wayne Dyer - The Power of Intention
(audiobook) Wayne Dyer - The Power of Intention
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Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - The Power of Intention
2 cd"s
Running time: 2 hours, 31 minutes

For this very popular speaker and bestselling author of the classic Your Erroneous Zones, intention is not dogged determination, but an inner awareness "that exists in the universe as an invisible force of energy." This conviction, gleaned from Dyer"s professional experiences, metaphysical studies and contacts with personal mentors, has allowed him to link to the force of intention and use it to enhance his life and work. For Dyer, there are seven faces, or energy fields, of intention: creativity, kindness, love, beauty, expansion, abundance and receptivity. Drawing on a variety of spiritual traditions and gurus, Dyer first describes how to surmount the barriers that may get in the way of connecting to this power, such as negative thinking, relying on the opinion of others or retaining a controlling ego. Although Dyer"s message is deeply sympathetic, his conception of the fields of insight reads like a familiar mixture of Eastern and Western philosophies wrapped up in a new theoretical package. In a chapter on living a stress-free life, for example, he recommends silently repeating the words "I want to feel good"-i.e., practicing a form of meditation-and elsewhere advises practicing detachment, a cornerstone of Buddhism. Another tactic, using forgiveness as a means to achieve peaceful relations with difficult family members, has recently found a wealth of expression. But whatever his sources, Dyer"s soothing voice and gentle prescriptions for happiness remain uniquely his own, as fans will recognize.

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