<< WIN Adobe After Effects CC 2015 13.7.1 by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2016
Adobe After Effects CC 2015 13.7.1 by Den Spike Unattendeds © 2016
Category Applications
Date 8 years, 11 months
Size 2.56 GB
Website http://www.basf1.net
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bug fixes in After Effects CC 2015 (13.7.1)

The After Effects CC 2015 (13.7.1) bug-fix update addresses these significant bugs:
Real-time playback of cached previews on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) is no longer slowed down by drawing the preview-time indicator (PTI) in the Timeline panel.
Advanced color profiles (e.g., profiles for ACES, ARRI Wide Color Gamut, etc.) that were installed by the After Effects 13.6 update but removed by the After Effects 13.7 update are restored.
On Mac OS X 10.10.0 and 10.10.1, when you start After Effects it will notify you to update to Mac OS X 10.10.5. After Effects will crash after launch on Mac OS X 10.0.0 and 10.10.1. To avoid this crash, update to Mac OS X 10.10.5.
Image sequences import much faster, especially from network drives. See below for a more detailed explanation.

about fast import of image sequences

In After Effects CC 2015 (13.7.1) image sequences now import much faster, especially from network drives.

Fast import of image sequences is controlled by a new option in Preferences > Import > Sequence Footage: Verify Individual Files.

Verify Individual Files is disabled by default. When it is disabled, After Effects skips a time-consuming secondary verification of individual image sequence files during import. This includes not resolving file paths of aliases or symbolic links (symlinks); aliases and symbolic link paths are still resolved when the frame is rendered. However, if an alias or symbolic link fails to resolve (e.g., drive is offline or the file has been moved), the frame will not be reported as missing at import.

If you encounter unexpected missing frames in an image sequence, enabling Verify Individual Files may avoid the problem at the cost of slower import speed.

*Let Op: Het duurt even voordat je iets van de voortgang ziet
*Is het de eerste keer dat je iets van Adobe installeert, klik dan op "Patch Host"
*Heb je mijn vorige versie van After Effects al geinstalleerd, dan is "Update Only" voldoende
*Krijg je bij het opstarten van Lightroom een .dll error, installeer dan "VCRedist", dit komt meestal voor bij een net geinstalleerde Windows

Veel plezier ermee!!!

Laat je PC tijdens installatie even met rust aub!

Unattended software altijd als Administrator uitvoeren.

Installatie is volledig Unattended.

Tijdens installatie wordt het programma geactiveerd.

Geschikt voor 64 bit systemen.

Getest op Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

Den Spike

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