<< NDS 4429 - Astro Boy: The Video Game (EU)
4429 - Astro Boy: The Video Game (EU)
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=DS-ROM+4429+-+Astro+Boy+-+The+Video+Game+%28EU%29
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Post Description

4429 - Astro Boy: The Video Game (EU)
Taal: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español
Genre: Schietspellen - Vechtspellen
Volgens NDS game release list (Romulation en GBAtemp).
(game + cover)

Rar-bestanden: 1
Par-bestanden: 8 (= 100% ; indien Rar beschadigd of zelfs geheel afwezig, Rar dus volledig aan te maken / te repareren)

Astro Boy, star of the beloved anime series, gets the full-on hero treatment with this interactive game based on his adventures. President Stone and his evil robot army have taken over Metro City. Play as the longtime hero and free the city in signature Astro Boy style. Use all of Astro Boy's trademark weapons and skills, including Finger Lasers, Arm Cannons, Drill Attacks, and Butt Machine Guns as you battle robot enemies, gigantic bosses, and new, never-before-seen enemies. Hover in place, escape enemies, and dart away from danger with help from Astro's rocket boosters. Unlock special bonus content, including artwork, alternate versions of Astro Boy, and other exclusive collectibles.

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Voor verzoekjes doe ik mijn uiterste best, maar kan niks beloven.

TIP: Doet de game het niet of heb je problemen met de game en/of je kaartje:
Misschien je kaartje updaten of kijk even op linfoxdomain, dsspelletjesdownloaden.nl en/of flashkaart.info en/of NDSS.nl

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