<< DivX This Is England 2006
This Is England 2006
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This Is England 2006

Verenigd Koninkrijk
100 minuten

geregisseerd door Shane Meadows
met Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham en Jo Hartley

Shaun is een 11-jarige jongen uit Noord-Engeland die opgroeit zonder vader. Tijdens de zomer van 1983 verandert er iets in de vaak zo trieste Shaun. Hij scheert zijn hoofd, zet zich tegen alles en iedereen af, en sluit zich aan bij een groep skinheads en later zelfs bij het National Front. Met alleen een labiele moeder die hem probeert op het rechte pad te houden, lijkt Shaun af te stevenen op de zekere ondergang.

12 year old Shaun lives with his widowed mother in a small town in Britain His father, an army officer, was one of the Falkland casualties. A loner, he is befriended by some older skinhead youth, who shave off his hair, date an older young woman, and ubsequently introduce him to ex-convict Combo. Shaun unwittingly volunteers to be part of Combo's gang, and is taken to a meeting
hosted by Britain's right-winged National Front, which openly advocates ethnic cleansing; re-defines Racism as Reality; and Nazism as Nationalism. Combo then takes his followers on a spree of sword and knife-wielding terror, looting a corner store run by Sandhu, all eventually get stoned, violence ensues resulting in a murder

"Some people say we're racists. We're not racists. We're realists. Some people call us Nazis. We're not Nazis. No, what we are, we are nationalists and there's a reason people try to pigeonhole us like this. And that is because of one word gentlemen.- Fear."

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