<< MP3 Red Hot Chilli Peppers Mothers Milk
Red Hot Chilli Peppers Mothers Milk
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Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Post Description


1. Good Time Boys (5:02)
2.Higher Ground (3:23)
3.Subway to Venus (4:25)
4.Magic Johnson (2:57)
5.Nobody Weird Like Me (3:50)
6.Knock Me Down (3:45)
7.Taste the Pain (4:32)
8.Stone Cold Bush (3:06)
9.Fire (2:03)
10.Pretty Litte Ditty (1:37)
11.Punk Rock Classic (1:47)
12.Sexy Mexican Maid (2:23)
13.Johnny, Kick a Hole in the Sky (5:12)
14.Songs That Made Us What We Are Today [demo] * (12:56)
15.Knock Me Down [Original Long Version] * (4:44)
16.Sexy Mexican Maid [Original Long Version] * (3:59)
17.Salute to Kareem [demo with Guitar Track] * (3:24)
18.Castles Made of Sand [Live 11. 21. 1989] * (3:19)
19.Crosstown Traffic [Live 11. 21. 1989] * (2:51)

totale tijdsduur: 44:02 (1:15:15)
* = niet op elke versie van dit album aanwezig

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