<< x264HD Series 4, Part 4E The mass extinctions and creation of new species & magnetic reversals
Series 4, Part 4E The mass extinctions and creation of new species & magnetic reversals
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 4 years, 10 months
Size 239.99 MB
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Video series 4, Part 4E, covers variability’s in carbon-14 dating, the mass extinctions, the creation of new species, the connection between extinctions, creation of new species and the geomagnetic reversals. The video also covers discoveries in Antarctica, micro tektites, glass beads and their similarity to the glass beads found on the Moon. 
This video covers the scientific proof our Sun novas and shows the particles it ejects at the time of the reversal and what lands on the Earth and the Moon. This information has never been taught before because government felt it was too disruptive to society. Even if you have a degree in geology, astronomy or other related field, you were deliberately never taught this information. You were taught alternate explanations for many phenomena. The video also show that other scientists knew that our Sun novaed but concealed it by writing between the lines.

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