<< WIN DVD rebuilder ADC AIO editie 2.0
DVD rebuilder ADC AIO editie 2.0
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Category Applications
GenreCD/DVD Tools
GenreRippers & Encoders
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=DVD+rebuilder+ADC+AIO+editie+2.0
Sender tha_reaper
Tag portable        
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Post Description

ADC Rebuilder AIO Edition v2.0
A set of portable, preconfigured tools for ripping, encoding, burning and
imaging DVD-Video discs using best practices.

Brought to you by AsianDVDClub.org
Visual guides to ADC-RB AIO Edition are available on our website forums.
Registration is free, so come visit us.

PC2 Rebuilder.exe
- High quality encoder For very-low to medium compression scenarios.

HC Rebuilder.exe
- High quality encoder for medium to light compression scenarios. "A better

QuEnc Rebuilder.exe
- Very fast, lower quality. "A better DVDShrink."

- for burning DVD-Video discs and creating .ISO files.

DVDFab 6 Platinum.exe
- For decrypting retail DVD-Video discs.

- A robust Microsoft virtual desktop tool. We strongly recommend running ADC
Rebuilder in it's own virtual desktop. For the latest version, check

- This path contains required files. Do not remove or rename.

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