<< MAC AudioMulch v2.0.2
AudioMulch v2.0.2
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Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://audiomulch.com/
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Post Description

AudioMulch is an interactive musician?s environment for PC and Mac. It is used for live electronic music performance, composition and sound design.

AudioMulch allows you to make music by patching together a range of sound producing and processing modules. Unlike some patcher-based programming environments, AudioMulch's modules perform high-level musical functions, so you don't have to create things from the ground up using individual oscillators and filters. AudioMulch is designed for live performance and improvisation ? you can process live audio sources and control every knob and slider on the user interface using a MIDI controller.

AudioMulch 2.0 has been released. Visit the AudioMulch 2.0 release page to find out what's new in version 2.0.
Perform ?and ?improvise ?with ?AudioMulch

AudioMulch uses a non-linear "signal flow" approach that's more suited to live performance than rigid, linear, score-editing style software. This together with its intuitive patcher-style user interface makes AudioMulch a powerful performance system. AudioMulch's automation and control features offer a fully-configurable control scheme that allows you to be as hands-on or as hands-off as you want to be.

* Synthesize, process, loop and sequence sounds live.
* Rapidly modify, rebuild and reconfigure your sonic ideas with a drag-and-drop patcher interface.
* Selectively automate and control any aspects of your performance with the automation timeline, MIDI input, automated Startup Actions and AudioMulch's unique Metasurface control interface.


Composing music should be as satisfying as performing music live. AudioMulch takes its ?live? feeling into the studio, allowing composers to build and explore their musical and sonic ideas in a spontaneous, intuitive way. It's a modular approach in which components are plugged together and processes are manipulated in fluid ways - not just by switching things on and off. This workflow allows you to rapidly put your ideas into practice and hear the results as you work.
Drive ?AudioMulch ?with ?external ?instruments ?and ?hardware

Process your voice or instrument live with AudioMulch. Or set up a patch, even include some of your favourite VST plug-ins, and ?play? it remotely from a keyboard or any other kind of MIDI device. With AudioMulch's editable mapping curves you can customise and fine tune the way parameters respond to your instrumental gestures. AudioMulch now features patchable MIDI routing, so you can use third party MIDI plugins to modify your input MIDI signals. You can even use MIDI to switch between patches and settings.

* Host your VST software instruments and effects in AudioMulch and control them via MIDI.
* Incorporate MIDI sequencing and processing plugins into your patches.
* Configure MIDI controls with Quick Mapping.
* Use a single MIDI control source to control several effect and patch parameters.
* Switch between documents and patches via MIDI.
* Morph between multiple parameter settings with MIDI controller using the Metasurface.

Play ?AudioMulch ?like ?an ?instrument

AudioMulch provides users with a unique high-level interface not seen in any other music software environment: the AudioMulch Metasurface. The Metasurface is a powerful tool for gestural control that turns AudioMulch into an expressive musical instrument. The Metasurface has no virtual knobs and faders; it's an interface designed specifically for performing music with a computer. Instead of having to turn one knob at a time with the mouse, the Metasurface lets you blend smoothly between dozens of parameter settings on a two dimensional plane. You can even automate and loop your Metasurface gestures.
Record, ?mix ?and ?diffuse ?your ?music

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