<< WIN Sonible – Bundle 08.04.2020 – SymLink Installer
Sonible – Bundle 08.04.2020 – SymLink Installer
Category Applications
Date 4 years, 4 months
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Sonible & Focusrite – Balancer – This plugin will balance your audio tracks in just a few seconds. This is a smart mind: the engine that smart: comp, smart: EQ 2, and smart: EQ live also have. Analogue of the Track Assistant function from iZotope.

Sonible Balancer, which builds the spectral balance of the mix using artificial intelligence. Developed in conjunction with Focusrite, Sonible Balancer is equipped with built-in machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms that analyze the spectral content of the mix in a few seconds and provide tools for adjusting it.

Balancer has a simple interface with several controls and settings. Users can select one of the proposed audio analysis algorithms based on the composition of the input signal. After choosing an algorithm, users also determine how the signal should sound after processing: warm, natural or bright. After pressing the LEARN button, the plugin collects information about the incoming sound signal and makes adjustments to achieve user-defined results. After the end of work, a special slider is available for users, which regulates the degree of changes made by the plugin.

The principle of operation of the Sonible Balancer is identical with the smart assistant Track Assistant, which is part of iZotope Ozone and iZotope Neutron. The iZotope developments work similarly: users are asked to specify the characteristics of the final sound of the signal, so that the plug-in algorithms analyze the audio and offer scenarios for its improvement.

Sonible – smartComp is the latest addition to the A.I. product line plug-ins from sonible. This unique spectrodynamic compressor finds parameters for well-balanced compression results in just a few seconds. Smart: comp also provides unmatched transparency through frequency-selective processing. With this multidimensional approach, compression has evolved to the next level.
smart: comp is the synergy of intellectually enhanced time-domain compression and superior spectral compression. Behind the convenient and intuitive interface of this new plugin is smart: engine – based on A.I. content system developed on the basis of psychoacoustic principles, as well as extensive practical experience in mixing.
The compressor in the time domain recommends the most appropriate settings for threshold, ratio, attack and release with one click, since spectral compression dynamically tracks the tonal balance of the input signal.

Sonible – smartEQ2 Intelligent, smart equalizer plug-in: EQ 2 improves the detail, clarity and transparency of your mixes after just a few adjustments. The mixing workflow experience is faster than ever before. EQ 2 analyzes audio material and generates a custom curve filter to create a natural tonal balance sound. Add clarity to your mixes, more beat for individual tracks, or cut out sharp parts of your vocal recordings – in seconds and with unprecedented accuracy.

Sonible – Freiraum is a fully interactive equalizer with state-of-the-art mastering quality. Each band can be used in the classic mode for manual equalization, or in a unique “smart” mode, which offers automatic recognition and removal of problem resonances in different frequency ranges. Sonible Freiraum also offers the Proximity EQ mode, which allows you to adjust the ratio of direct sound and reverb within any frequency range with a few clicks, as well as the Entropy EQ mode, which allows you to separate tonal components from the non-harmonic component (for example, drum attack), and freely adjust the tonal characteristics of your sound at any frequency.

Sonible – Smart EQ live analyzes the audio signal, interprets it musically and creates a real-time spectral balance. This helps you focus on what’s important and creatively focus on the main event. Most of the time, engineers are busy balancing between the unforeseen and the necessary. Permanent problem solving is your daily life. Lack of time for proper sound monitoring, rapid changes in vocals, sudden shifts in frequency and volume will not allow you to concentrate. Often two hands are simply not enough – and this is where SmartEQ Live comes into play.

The sensitive algorithm is a reliable mixing assistant for all kinds of instruments and performances. Thanks to your user profiles, you can tell the plug-in how it will respond to various sound sources. He will always follow your commands.

Sonible – smartComp 1.0.2
Sonible & Focusrite – Balancer 1.0.3

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