<< MP3 Putumayo Presents - Kotoja -The Super Sawale Collection ( july 1994)
Putumayo Presents - Kotoja -The Super Sawale Collection ( july 1994)
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 57.85 MB
Website http://www.putumayo.com/putumayo_cds/europe
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Post Description

Putumayo World Music is een platenlabel uit New York City, dat in wereldmuziek en vooral in compilaties gespecialiseerd is. Het bedrijf is in 1993 opgericht en produceerde tot op heden ongeveer 250 cd's.

Deze spot betreft de 5e cd van dit platenlabel en tevens de 1e van 6 uit 1994


01 Kotoja - Sawale.mp3
02 Kotoja - Vami Duwe.mp3
03 Kotoja - Ejiro Oghene.mp3
04 Kotoja - We No Dey Run.mp3
05 Kotoja - Money Wahala.mp3
06 Kotoja - Iye Iye.mp3
07 Kotoja - Atide.mp3
08 Kotoja - You Are The One.mp3
09 Kotoja - Stay On Me.mp3
10 Kotoja - Come Back Home.mp3
11 Kotoja - Oberi Oberi.mp3
12 Kotoja - Semi-Jeje.mp3

The band Kotoja, on their release Kotoja: The Super Sawale Collection, plays upbeat, melodic music that seems to embody a spirit of freedom and happiness. This collection features some of the band's best songs. The music is a fusion of African rhythms, funk and rock, but the music can be as soft as it is energetic. "Semijeje" is a sweet love song in its own brassy, funk manner. In fact, the brass sound is very prominent in all the music, giving some of the pieces a Chicago-Philadelphia funk-blues kind of sound.

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