<< x264HD BBC Horizon 2012 ep 1: The truth about looking young
BBC Horizon 2012 ep 1: The truth about looking young
Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 993.22 MB
Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01lbgrp
Sender Valkenier (nMc5jA)                
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Post Description

Voor de liefhebbers van deze prachtige BBC documentaires:
Plastic surgeon Dr Rozina Ali leaves the operating theatre behind for the frontiers of skin science and asks if it is possible to make your skin look younger without surgery.

She discovers the latest research about how the foods we eat can protect our skin from damage, and how a chemical found in a squid's eye is at the forefront of a new sun protection cream.

She also finds out how sugar in our blood can make us look older, and explores an exciting new science called glycobiology, which promises a breakthrough in making us look younger.

Duur: 59 minuten

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