<< FLAC Rodriguez - Alive [1981]
Rodriguez - Alive [1981]
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 187.78 MB
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Recorded live at The Regent Theatre, Sydney, Australia, 17th & 18th March 1979.

To coincide with the 1981 Australian tour Blue Goose Music released this live album with catalogue numbers: BGM 003 (LP) & BGMC 003 (Cassette)

In 1986 Powderworks records re-issued this album with these numbers: POWX 6119 (LP) & POWC 6119 (Cassette)

Philip Birnbaum, Blue Goose Music, and Rodriguez authorized a one year only release of the "Alive" album in Australia and New Zealand only.

Rodriguez Alive (Australian version) was a limited 1 year release and won't be re-released. The only one I have is an old cassette.
- Eva Rodriguez, April 1998

Rodriguez: Vocals, Acoustic guitar
Steve Cooney: Guitar, mandolin (from Australia)
Doug McDonald: Drums (from New Zealand)
Jake Salazar: Bass
José Guadiana (or Guadiama): Flute

Jake and José were Americans who left three-quarters of the way through the tour and were replaced by an Australian Joe Creighton on bass. The local boys all came from the Mark Gillespie Band who were the support act.

Gil Matthews: Producer and remixing engineer
Michael Coppel: Recording engineer
Phillip Ellett: Cover artwork
Zev Eizik: Front cover photo
Phil Birnbaum: Executive producer

Side One:
1. Can't Get Away (4.41)
2. Street Boy (4.33)
3. Like Janis (2.50)
4. I Think of You (3.40)
5. I'll Slip Away (3.58)

Side Two:
1. A Most Disgusting Song (4.24)
2. Forget It (2.12)
3. Inner City Blues (3.40)
4. Halfway Up The Stairs (1.50)
5. To Whom It May Concern (8.07)

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