<< WMV Bangbus: Rain With An A (06-10-2010)
Bangbus: Rain With An A (06-10-2010)
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://bangbus.com/t4/pps=comein/porn-videos/rain-with-an-a_bb7340.html
Sender rolo123
Tag Rolo123        
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Post Description

Ok guys, this week we scored BIG! After a couple failed attempts at getting some hot trim in the bus, we finally came across the lovely Reina. It took some persuasion, cash, and all my phonix skills but this chick has got to be one of the hottest we've ever had on the bus. Reina who's name means "Queen" was given the royal treatment all up and down the streets of Coconut Grove. She has a tight body, tits you could munch on for hours, and an ass probably deserving of some kind of an academy award. Not don't let her name throw you. She's all American, southern folk, with an twang in her voice and everything. I know you guys will be righting us about this chick. Like I said, she is certifiably hot!

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