<< MPG WCW nWo - nWo 4 Life!
WCW nWo - nWo 4 Life!
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Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 350.95 MB
Website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wrestling_Federation
Sender Schaapie192 (hAEyXA)                
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This is one of those videos that was released by WCW back in their heyday at the end of the 1990's. I saw this video back when it came out, and I have to say that it did a pretty good job of summing up the exploits of the infamous nWo during their rampage on WCW. For any of you out there who know anything at all about wrestling, you know that the nWo pretty much got the ball rolling for the wrestling craze of the late 90's. Yes, the nWo may have worn out their welcome by about their second year( and 100th member!), but their place in wrestling history and the effect they had cannot be forgotten.

The video shows some great clips of the beginnings of the nWo back in May of 1996 when Scott Hall first invaded WCW Nitro. It follows the nWo into it's best times as a threesome, consisting of Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan. It shows some clips of the infamous match at Bash at the Beach 1996 where Hogan turns on WCW, along with the aftermath of that match. The video continues with more footage throughout the next two years as the nWo adds more members, such as Randy Savage, Scott Steiner, The Giant, Syxx, and Curt Hennig, among many others. The footage is a good compilation of classic WCW programming from Nitro, Thunder, and the various Pay Per View matches. The entire video lasted about an hour long.

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