<< WIN Making History II: The War of the World Update v1.0.20
Making History II: The War of the World  Update v1.0.20
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://pcgamersworld.com/2010/11/making-history-ii-1-0-20-update-is-now-live/
Sender Bombvis
Tag Bombvis        
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Post Description

New Features
- Modified setting the display unit for unit groups to be persistent across saving and loading a game
- Switch debt stability modifier system over to use percent of annual revenue instead of absolute values
- Updated and modified Difficulty Levels
- Modified UnitOrderLoadOnCarrier so it would load as many of the specified units as it could onto the carrier. If no units were specified, it tries to load all the units that will fit.
- Added decision point when a region wants to revolt and join another nation
- Added logic to create a small militia when a region secedes and forms a new nation

Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash caused by Units moving between being fogged and not fogged
- Fixed bug that could cause loaded games to stall at end of turn processing
- Improved handling of military access agreements
- Fixed bug in display of move arrows
- Fixed bug creating access tickets after loading a save game
- Fixed bug in HandleNationAnnexedEvent where engagements were removed without updating UnitGroup eStatus
- Take fuel consumption into account when computing turns to destination
- Fixed crash that occurred when a unit was destroyed during rebasing
- Fix a bug where a new engagement wouldn't start if there was a 3rd party in a region when a battle ends
- Fixed some transient errors when client units were moving

- Add notifications for diplomatic relations changes
- Fix displaying modified IPUs and Combat Strength
- Fixed some Army names in LDOP
- Updated graphics on notification pop-up
- Updated graphics on main menu notification options
- Set new defaults for notification pop-ups
- Created close button for Research Tree rather than minimize
- Changed Summary Icon for Government Programs to use hat rather than binoculars
- Add Canned Goods and Fish Products into Last Turn Income total on Last Turn Summary panel
- Format City Maintenance Costs in city panel
- Conformed a few tool tips on Government & Region panels
- Fixed some Tool tips and text on the Production & Military list panels
- Resized Appliance icon to fit
- Added national debt/surplus to tooltip on government panel
- Fixed Colony/Puppet tooltip on Nation Subordinates panel
- Reduced height of Right Click menus to lessen their overall size
- Revised basic unit bubble
- Fix text clipping on unit range property
- Using Speed icon rather than Range for ships on Group panel
- Refinements to Group Panel to end property clipping
- Added new Weight icon for showing group transport requirements
- More refinements to Group & Unit Panels including Merge, Split & Combat Report versions
- Flipped selected state color from white to beige on queues & units
- Fixed some errors on the Combat Engagement panel and improved icons
- Fixed some Nation Decals
- Improved icon usage on some panels
- Continued work on Military Lists, conforming data/visual elements and adding tool tips
- Political map gets region color from Nation instead of NationTemplate
- Fixed text clipping issue for Unit Properties display on production queue bubbles
- Added Speed & Range to Unit Properties display on production queue bubble
- Fixed text clipping issue for Nationality string on Government & Diplomacy panel
- Fixed textbox size for project labels on City selection panel
- Fixed string clipping of project Upgrades on Region Assets panel
- Fix spelling of Delaware River
- Fix overflow error in the display of trade value
- Create and use text for leaving an alliance rather than using the text for joining an alliance
- Added Nationality Icons to Region list

Er is nog meer veranderd en ik zou het graag hier allemaal willen neerzetten, maar dat past niet. Kijk voor alle veranderingen dus even in de nfo

Gespot in:
- a.b.cd.image
- a.b.games.dox

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