<< DivX Sam The Iron Bridge - Champion Of Martial Arts
Sam The Iron Bridge - Champion Of Martial Arts
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LanguageEnglish subtitles (builtin)
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://cdwow.nl/DVD/sam-the-iron-bridge/dp/1512653
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Post Description

The "Martial Arts Trilogy" continues as Sam the Iron Bridge battles a series of worthy adversaries to earn the title of governor in the action packed sequel to the high flying hit White Lotus Club. After being recruited for the position of governor, Sam the Iron Bridge finds himself fighting to maintain the title bestowed upon him when the evil emperor decrees that the title should not be given out, but earned through competition in a deadly martial arts tournament. Now, in order to cement his political status and stand up to the ruling tyrant, Sam the Iron Bridge leaps into action and lays waste to the malevolent opponents who would see him dead if given the opportunity.

ik post voor mijn en jullie plezier.
zou het leuk vinden als je een berichtje achterlaat als je hem meeneemt.
kudos zie ik als blijk van waardering.


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