<< WIN Videocopilot Twitch 1.1- 64 bits for CS5
Videocopilot Twitch 1.1- 64 bits for CS5
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://videocopilot.net/blog/2010/05/vc-plug-in-updates-for-ae-cs5-x64/
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What is Twitch?
Twitch is a Plug-in for After Effects that synchronizes random operators to create stylistic video effects for motion graphics and visual effects.

UPDATE: Twitch ZIP file updated.

Alright! So many of you have upgraded to After Effects CS5 for all the 64-bit amazingness and so we have been working to update our 32-bit plug-ins to work with the new version. Of course we will continue to develop and support the our 32-bit plug-ins as well.

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