<< NDS Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSTWO v1.01
Flashkaart Firmware | Supercard DSTWO v1.01
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Category Games
PlatformNintendo DS
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://xandecs.nl/FTD/
Sender xandecs
Tag Xandecs DSTWO        
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Post Description

Supercard DSTWO v1.01 (22th-05-2010):

1. Fix "Made in Ore"&"RPG Tool DS"
2. Fix "4951 Daigasso! Band Brothers",The save is normal now
3. Fix "4952 Prince of Persia(Black screen Error)",If you want to play,Premise is clean mode
4. Increase capacity detect in disk for enter the game,Avoid roms generate the bad damage the game system Download&decompression DSTWO suite to root of TF,you"d better format the TF on first use
This suite contain DSTWO system core V1.01,GBA simulator V1.13,guide slot2 port&DS mode plugins and the latest moonshell software for DSTWO dedicated

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