<< WIN Dr Who - City of the Daleks
Dr Who - City of the Daleks
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/theadventuregames
Sender Cool_Zero
Tag Dr who        
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Post Description

Have you ever wanted to take on the Cybermen or Daleks? This is your chance to play as the Doctor for the very first time, but don"t worry, Amy"s coming too.

Travel across time and space in these brand new online adventures. Can you do battle with the Daleks, survive Skaro and save the Earth?

The TARDIS materializes in 1963 to find the human race crushed by the Daleks. The Doctor embarks on a quest to the Dalek planet to correct time and save the last survivor of Humanity - Amy Pond!

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