<< DivX Ice Road Truckers - S06E15 - Racing the melt
Ice Road Truckers - S06E15 - Racing the melt
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 2 years
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Website http://www.history.com
Sender Frank (viaznA)                
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Er is iets fout gegaan met de benamingen van de afleveringen.
Het moet zijn:
S06E13 Cold-blooded.
S06E14 Chopping block.
Sorry hiervoor.

Deze aflevering: S06E15 Racing the melt.

On the Dalton, Jack Jessee and Darrell Ward are dispatched across the ice to make the final run to the village of Nuiqsut, but with the road scheduled to close at sundown, failure will leave them trapped on the wrong side of the water. Tied for the top of the load count, Austin Wheeler s looking to end the season as the new champ, but after weeks of heavy hauls and risky maneuvers, Austin may have finally pushed his truck too far. Returning former load count champion Ray Veilleux is trying to prove he still has what it takes after a breakdown put an end his first haul. On the Dempster, Alex gambles with an extra large trailer to haul all of the season s final supplies, but the high winds of hurricane alley put his fragile plywood trailer to the test. In Manitoba, the Winter Roads are melting fast and if Hugh and Rick can t put days of animosity aside and work together, they ll both end up stuck in the bush until the roads form next season.

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