<< Android VLC Remote v1 40 AnDrOiD
VLC Remote v1 40 AnDrOiD
Category Applications
GenreCD/DVD Tools
GenreMedia players
GenreSecurity software
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size 1.47 MB
Website https://market.android.com/details?id=com.hobbyistsoftware.android.vlcremote_us&feature=search_result
Sender Zoutoplossing (uUjo5Q)                
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VLC Remote v1 40 AnDrOiD

VLC Remote lets you control your VLC Media Player on Mac, PC or Linux.

The most powerful Android VLC Remote is also the easiest to set up!

VLC Remote lets you sit back enjoy your movies and music while you control things from your sofa.

Use our Free setup helper to configure VLC and connect your Android in a couple of button clicks.

'In a few clicks everything is ready and you just have to taste the pleasure of remote control' -Alekxou

Easily control VLC from your sofa!
Helper configures VLC automatically.
Full browsing control (play any file from your computer)
Full DVD controls
Volume, position, track
Turn fullscreen on and off
Control subtitles, aspect ratio, audio track and delays
Access external drives


'Amazing remote. You can completely control vlc from the palm of your hand. ... highly recommend it if you are looking for a vlc remote.'
- AndroidApps

'VLC Remote is the latest Android app to earn my favor, and it's a beauty.'
- Androidnica

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