<< WIN WinAutomation v3 1 6 676 (2011)-TUshENGPenG
WinAutomation v3 1 6 676 (2011)-TUshENGPenG
Category Applications
GenreOptimization software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 36.75 MB
Website http://www.winautomation.com/
Sender TuShengPengMan (jTsBPA)                
Tag TuShengPengMan        
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Post Description

If you are like most computer users, you are probably spending a fair amount of time every day on monotonous, repetitive tasks which you definitely wished you could find a way to get them done automatically. Anything from simple tasks, such as download a file or perform a backup, to complex ones that consist of multiple steps.

WinAutomation does this exactly: composes any task visually by dragging and dropping various steps, and executes the task as often as you like.

No need to hire programmers, or mess about with windows scripting. WinAutomation is an advanced, yet easy to use automation tool that can easily handle any type of task no matter how easy or complicatedthat might be.

Save time, eliminate errors and, most important, enjoy watching WinAutomation doing the work you once used to do manually!

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